Letter It April | Catchup

April 26, 2015

As you may have seen in a previous post, I'm doing #LetterItApril and I decided to do 3-4 quotes at a time to help myself not get behind. But, that doesn't mean I haven't gotten behind on posting them! I am also about a week behind but it won't take me long to catch up. 

I really love this challenge and I feel that it has really helped me find my style. 

For numbers 10, 11, and 13, I used my micron pens instead of painting the quotes, just because it was a bit easier.

For number 15, you had to write 3 positive things about yourself and for 16, 3 positive things about a friend. I did my best friend Jen. She is so supportive and any time I have a surgery or am in the hospital, she gets me all these silly little gifts. She is such a great friend. 

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